Help Prevent Academic Misconduct

How can I help prevent academic misconduct?

Preventing academic misconduct requires effort from everyone. Faculty and Instructors must stress the importance of turning in your own work and citing sources where needed. Students must also be honest about the work that they complete and turn in.



These are resources that we are offering faculty members on campus in regards to helping prevent acts of academic misconduct.

Sample Syllabus Statement on Academic Integrity 
Academic integrity is a fundamental value of the University community. UNL students are expected to approach and complete their academic work with academic integrity. Students must read this syllabus and all other instructions carefully so that they know what is expected in terms of academic integrity. Students are expected to do their own work, to be honest in the statements they make, to refrain from harming others, to refrain from improperly helping others, and to follow the rules. The unauthorized use of artificial intelligence to complete coursework is a violation of the University of Nebraska Student Code of Conduct Standards of Academic Integrity. Students who are unsure whether or not particular conduct is appropriate should ask the instructor.

Failing to act with academic integrity violates the University of Nebraska Student Code of Conduct and will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards. Students who violate academic integrity may receive academic sanctions, up to and including receiving a grade of “F” in the course.

These are websites that can be incorporated into the current Canvas site that Nebraska uses. Below are instructions on how to utilize this website directly in your assignments on Canvas.

Test Proctor Methods 
We encourage faculty and staff to consider best practices for proctoring exams. This can be the way students are seated in the classroom while taking the exam, a policy about electronics in the classroom during an exam, etc. Instructors are able to utilize the Digital Learning Center (located in southeast corner of Love Library North) to proctor exams. Please visit their website to find more information about exams taken in this facility and making reservations for exams.



Using the following resources will help you prevent committing acts of academic misconduct.

Writing, Citations & Preventing Plagiarism from Love Library

International Students 
If you are an international student and are ever unsure about the policies that the university has in place regarding academic integrity, please reach out and ask.

International Student and Scholar Office 
Seaton Hall, Suite 201 
Main Desk: (402)-472-0324 
Consultation Line: (402)-472-5163 

International Student Guide to Academic Success [brochure]

Potential Academic Sanctions for Academic Misconduct 
If students are found in violation of the Standards of Academic Integrity, any of the following action(s) can be imposed by the instructor:

  • A warning
  • Reduction of the grade on the assignment, paper, quiz, or exam
  • A zero on the assignment, paper, quiz, or exam
  • Reduction of the student’s final grade in the course
  • An “F” in the course

Any academic sanctions will be in addition to potential sanctions/outcomes from the Student Conduct process.


Academic Integrity Policies

All UNL colleges and departments follow university policy on academic integrity and uphold the student code of conduct. Some colleges and departments have created additional policy or guidance on academic integrity.